The RDIAS Model United Nations [RDIAS MUN] Conference was established in the year 2018 with the goal of empowering the youth to help shape a better tomorrow for a sustainable society. Looking at the enthusiasm of the delegates in the first two sessions, we launched the premier edition of RDIAS International MUN under the flagship event of ‘RDIAS Global Summit’. Going by the overwhelming response of the stakeholders, we now return with the Fourth edition of the event. RDIAS Global Summit 4.0 will witness speakers from around the globe debate on the most pressing issues concerning masses. With the delegates divided into four core committees and an international press, issues pertinent to the recent scenarios will be discussed.
The Summit is designed in such a way as to provide prospects to harness and advance opportunities for the leaders of tomorrow. It aims to encourage aspiring premiers by offering them a platform to exhibit their speech and diplomatic skills. From debates on economic conflicts to international security threats to global social crises, MUN addresses real world concerns to equip the participating young adults with practical and applicable expertise.
The theme of the event is concomitant with this year’s theme for United Nations General Assembly’s 78th Session, i.e., “Rebuilding Trust and Reigniting Global Solidarity: Vision 2030“.
RDIAS Global Summit 4.0
The world's a stage where we can be the characters that we wish to play but are not able to pull that off. We have the ability to improve the world and make a difference, but we choose to stay silent and disappoint others.``
I enjoy traveling to different locations, especially when it comes to meeting new people, which continues to inspire me to participate in MUNs where I can meet new people and convey my
viewpoints through debates and discussions. My personal favorite part of participating in MUNs is getting to know new people and being able to engage with them in conversation about diplomacy, as it’s great to have a platform where one can converse with like-minded individuals and learn with them.
I started participating in MUNs with the thought that I could change at least one mindset, as MUNs work so gracefully and there are so many diverse exercises to participate in and grow from.
There is destruction everywhere and we seem to sit and want to be at the top and be superior
unless it has a purpose for them. I believe that we can only make a difference in society when we ourselves want to.
Shlok Bhatia
Secretary General
About Me
What it truly takes for our community to change is unity; we are the upcoming generation who have the opportunities of meeting new people. We are at the smallest level and that is exactly where we should start. If we stay united, we can hope for a better world in the future.”
I enjoy debating since it helps me convey my ideas and perspectives, and it is this zeal that
propels me to participate in MUNs, where I can express my convictions through discussions. From the time I began partaking in MUNs, I simply cherished the entire experience, which persuaded me to take an interest considerably more. Like me, I want others to be able to voice their opinions and be able to get an accessible platform for public speaking.
I believe it is the most powerful and effective endeavor for preparing today's youth to prosper in a globalized society. Model UN allows individuals to learn about the world, strengthen their
public speaking skills, enhance their social competence, and develop their leadership potential.
Aayush Sisodia
Director General
About Me
To be honest, I consider myself honored to be responsible for hosting a MUN where individuals can gather together and assert their beliefs and ideas. I am an opinionated person who I believe makes me stand apart from the crowd and encourages me to be a better citizen, which is why I chose this platform.
I believe that everyone has their own remarkable college experience; I lived mine by learning, practicing, and strengthening my public speaking skills. There is no right or wrong way to go about experiencing it. But what is important is looking to learn and getting to know, and MUNs, in my opinion, are the best opportunities we have as through MUNs we can get youths to
acknowledge how the UN works by replicating it and having them represent different countries and solve global issues.
Bhavyanshi Goel
Deputy Secretary General
Rs. 1000 for National Delegates.
USD 10$ for International Delegates
PRIZE: Best Delegate– Rs. 5,000 (for each committee)
High Commendation 1- Rs. 3,500 (for each committee)
High Commendation 2– Rs. 2,000 (for each committee)
Best International Press Reporter – Rs. 2,000 (only one)
All participants of the event will be awarded with e-certificates.
Last Date of Registration: 5th May, 2024 .
Eligibility Criteria- Who can participate?
Privacy and Intellectual Property Rights
Dress Code
All clothing must portray professionalism as expected in diplomatic settings. If attire is deemed inappropriate by RDIAS MUN staff, individuals may be asked to leave the session and return with appropriate attire.
Delegates should follow proper dress code (boys and girls) which is as under:
(a) Trouser
(b) Shirt plain full sleeves.
(c) Neck Tie (optional)
(d) Decent Shoes/Belly
(e) Turban: (for Sikh students only)
(f) Indian Kurta (Optional for delegates of AIPPM Committee only)
Code and Conduct
Shlok Bhatia (Secretary General) +91- 7291818009
Aayush Sisodia (Director General) +91-9654567500