Monologue Competition Organized by “PRATIGYA-Theatre Society of RDIAS”

From 28th Oct, - 8th Nov, 2020


A monologue is a scene where only one character speaks. The other character listens. And here’s the catch… you’re going to imagine that other character standing in front of you. Why is the definition so important? Because as an actor, you must be always pursuing an objective. You must remain active. Hence “Pratigya” Theatre society of RDIAS brings you an amazing opportunity to showcase your talent and turn the world into your own stage. All you have to do is register, act, record and send



  • Monologues must not exceed 7 minutes.
  • Monologues should be original or self-written; it can be in English or in Hindi.
  • Vulgarity in any form of meaning, dialogues or actions is strictly forbidden. Also may lead to disqualify.
  • The videos should be mailed on
  • The decisions of the judges will be final and binding.
  • Multiple entries from the same college are allowed.
  • Registration will start from 28th October, 2020 till 8th November,2020 .

Results will be announced on 13TH November, 2020 at RDIAS website.

Prize Amount:   INR 1000 (First Prize), INR 600 (Second Prize), INR 400 (Third Prize).

Judgments Criteria:


  • convincing character portrayal
  • appearance of spontaneity
  • ability to handle props casually and naturally


  • movements, gestures, voice inflections, diction, eye contact and posture appear natural
  • proper volume and articulation


  • appropriate selection of topic
  • effective in message and impact
  • imaginative, yet believable


  • actor projects voice using diaphragm for support (not yelling)
  • actor employs voice and tempo variations (not monotone)
  • actor speaks with clear diction (not mumbling)
  • actor recreates mood, experience, emotion of character
  • actor uses emotion to bring character to a dramatic climax
  • actor creates spontaneity of situation and character

Who can Participate

Any student who is having Valid ID card from any College/ University/Institute from any part of INDIA.

Prize Amount

Prize Amount:   INR 1000 (First Prize), INR 600 (Second Prize), INR 400 (Third Prize).

No Registration Fee




For more Information Please Contact: Mr. Manoj Kumar Mishra Ph: 9839661837 email:
Mr. Manoj Kumar. Mishra

Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies,