E-FDP on “Changing research landscape in Uncertainties"

25 -30 May 2020 (One week)

Time: 2.00 to 4.00 PM

About Event

RDIAS is organising E-FDP on Changing research landscape in uncertainties which is relevant in the changing times. New Problems offer new solutions. The landscape of research is changing in the times of uncertainties. The FDP will enlighten the aspiring research scholars, young researchers and faculty members. The whole process of research from identification of the report and research paper. It follows the standard research methodology pedagogy.

Objectives of the Research Workshop

  • To enable the participants to formulate a research design including defining a research problem, review of literature, identification of research gap and formulation of objectives.
  • To incorporate quantitative and qualitative research methods, enabling them to formulate and test the hypothesis.
  • To focus on R-studio statistical software packages used in research.
  • To enable them to write research proposal for funding organisation, publishing research papers.

Who can participate?

Aspiring research Scholars, young researchers and faculty members from technical /management institutions are eligible to participate.


A mix of pedagogical tools will be used i.e. lectures through google meet, discussions, presentations and experiential exercises. Hands on experience will be given on R-studio software. Participants will be provided with the suitable research example in order to understand the analysis. All lectures will be delivered through google meet. Link of the google meet will be shared with all the participants and an invitation will be sent before the start of the session. You need to mention the correct email id so that you could attend the session smoothly.

Resource Persons

Dr. Hamendra Kumar Dangi

Dr. Hamendra Kumar Dangi is currently an Associate Professor in Department of Commerce. He is Gold medalist in B.Tech and recipient of Maharana Mewar Foundation Award, Udaipur. He did his MBA from R.A Podar Institute of Management Jaipur and doctorate from FMS, University of Delhi. He has worked with Faculty of Management Studies for eight years. He also served in GGS IP University, Delhi for couple of years. He is an author of book on Business Research Methods. He has published several research papers in national and international journals. He has also presented research paper in reputed national and international conference. He attended global colloquium on case writing at Harvard Business School, Boston. Dr Dangi has conducted/ delivered talks in more than 50 FDPs and successfully guided research scholars for MPhil and PhD. He has also completed Major and Minor funded research projects as well as consultancy assignments.

Dr. Sunil Kumar

Dr. Sunil Kumar is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Management Studies at Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi. He has completed his Ph.D from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi in the area of NGO Management. He has presented paper at IIM, IIT, central university and other Institution of repute. He has published research papers in the journals of repute.

Certificate of Participation

All participants will be awarded with Certification of Participation upon completion of the program.

Program Coverage



Day 1:

Research in the times of uncertainty

Day 2:

Identification of research problem and writing research proposal for funding

Day 3:

Literature review using Nvivo

Day 4:

Pilot data analysis and Data Cleaning using Statistical Package and R

Day 5:

Preliminary hypothesis testing using R

Day 6:

How to write research paper for publication

Best participant will be awarded a merit certificate.

Registration Fee Rs. 500 Per Candidate
The registration fee can also be paid directly NEFT / IMPS into the following Bank Account: Bank Name: PNB Account Name: Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies Account Type: Saving Account Number: 0649010100018152 IFS Code: PUNB0456300 Bank Address: Punjab National Bank, Madhuban Chowk, Rohini, Delhi-110085



For further details contact :- Dr. Sunil Kumar (Ph:)7827924102/ 7703925302 email id :- sunil.kumar@rdias.ac.in  

Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies 2A & 2B, Phase-1, Madhuban Chowk, Outer Ring Rd, Block D, Sector 14, Rohini, Delhi, 110085