About Management Research Competition
is an Annual Research Competition of RDIAS which provides an opportunity for researchers (Research Scholars, Post Docs and Academicians) to present/ demonstrate their research work in management research competition in the presence of distinguished experts. RDIAS invites, to this unique opportunity, the researchers who feel that they are working on research which would contribute to society, research community, academics and beneficial to the audience. The focus will be on clarity what you can contribute to the field of research.
The Management Research Competition has the following objectives:
• Provide a platform where researchers can present their work and meet other researchers.
• Provide feedback on researchers’ current research and guidance on future research directions
• Offer each researcher comments and fresh perspectives on their work from well- known experts in their fields and audience.
• Promote the development of a supportive community of researchers and a spirit of collaborative research.
• Contribute to the competition objectives through interaction with other researchers in the event.
The RDIAS Management Research Competition will be held on Saturday, 01 June 2019. It will be a single track one day event.
Quick Facts
Important Dates:
Submission Deadlines: 15 February, 2019
Notification: 15 March, 2019
Camera Ready Submission: 31 March, 2019
Research Competition: 01 June, 2019
Submission Details: Online Submission VIA RDIAS Submission System Only.
Selection Process is refereed: In this process content is rigorously reviewed by members of the program committee and peer experts. The program committee may ask authors for specific changes as a condition of publication.
At Competition: Accepted submissions will be presented at the Research Competition 2019
Publication: Accepted Submissions of research Competition will be published online as well as hard copy and released on the day on RDIAS Management Research Competition 2019.
Applicants who are selected will receive complimentary conference registration and reimbursement of IInd Class Sleeper train fare (For outstation candidates).
The accepted submission will be evaluated on the basis of originality, correctness, novelty, importance, and clarity of explanation of the research, quality of presentation, query handling and contribution of research.
The First three scorers will be awarded as follows:
Winner: ₹ 21,000/-
First Runner-up: ₹ 11,000/-
Second Runner-up: ₹ 5,100/-
All the Winners & Participants will be provided with certificate
Preparing and Submitting your Research Work
Research work must be submitted via the RDIAS Submission System only by 15 February, 2019. The proposal must have the following four components, submitted as a single MS Word file. Additional details about the expected content can be found here.
1. Complete Work including references: Key points include:
• Your details including Name, designation, affiliation and contact details.
• Context and motivation that drives your research work
• Research objectives/goals/questions
• Background/literature review of key works that frames your research
• Hypothesis and/or problem statement
• Your research approach and methods, including relevant rationale
• Results to date and their validity
• Research status and next steps
• Current and expected contributions
• Details about the project under which research work is carried out, if any.
2. Appendix 1. A one-paragraph statement of expected benefits of participation for both yourself and the other research competition participants (i.e., what will you contribute as well as gain) (Max 1 page).
3. Appendix 2. A letter of nomination from your Primary Research Advisor/Guide/Head of Department/Director that addresses the value that the research competition would have for you, what contribution you are likely to make to it. (Max 1 page).
4. Appendix 3. A concise version of your current Curriculum Vita (1-2 pages).
Before submission ensure that your submission is complete and in accordance with the format and content guidelines for the RDIAS Management Research Competition 2019. The submissions that do not meet these requirements will be returned without review.
RDIAS Management Research Competition Selection Process
The review and decision of acceptance will balance many factors. This includes the quality of research, development of idea, prospective influence on participates in the Competition receive the strongest consideration. The goal is to identify a set of researchers that will benefit significantly from the event and support each other in their growth. Participants in the Competition will be selected via a refereed process by the Committee.
Submissions should not contain sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at publication time. Submissions should NOT be anonymous. However, confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference, with the exception of title and author information, which will be published on the website prior to the conference.
Upon Acceptance of your Proposal
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on 15 February, 2019. Authors of accepted submissions will receive instructions on how to submit their publication-ready copy, and will receive information about attending the RDIAS Management Research Competition 2019, preparing your presentation and poster, and registering for the conference. Camera-ready submissions are due on 28 February 2019.
At the RDIAS Annual Management Research Competition 2019
Selected and accepted research work will be presented in the presence of panel of experts and followed by Q&A Session by participating researchers and other students. Detailed instructions will be provided to participants upon acceptance.
Contact Details
Prof. (Dr.) Anil Kumar Goyal, Convener (Mob.) 8800605830
Email: anusandhanpratiyogita2019@rdias.ac.in
Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies
2A & 2B, Phase-1, Madhuban Chowk, Outer Ring Road, Rohini, Delhi-110085 Phone:- 011-27864596, 27867301
Fax: – 011-27867212 E-mail -: admin@rdias.ac.in Website: www.rdias.ac.in